
Forbidden Love

I just couldn't help myself....
There's nothing like true love between friends


lots of changes

So here's what happened.
He did!
 As always....
It's amazing how I can walk around every day, not really thinking about him, but then I see him and BAM! he hits me like a train on an early Saturday Morning.
I don't know what I did, and I don't know what he did. I don't know why it has to be this way, but I do know that as it looks right now, it's not likely that it's gonna change any day soon.
This has been going on for over 2 years now. TWO YEARS! he's been stuck in my head, though I've did what every teen movie tells people in my situation to do.
I did hang out with other people, I did go out and meet new people, I did have some fun, I did think of something else, I was with someone else, I was with someone who didn't even have anything to do with him, little even know that he exists, I did go out and get drunk, and I did a lot of things to try and get over him.
But yet he sits there with his big smile, his beautiful tattoos and his long fluffy hair asking how I am, and telling me that he missed me, and all those things he keep doing that keeps on breaking my heart over and over and over again.
I need changes in my life. Lots of changes.
I need to live a new place, where I can go out and have fun and get drunk and spent time on useless things. I need to live a little and spent some time on making myself happy, and letting myself have some self esteem.
I need to learn how to love myself, and I need to learn how to not care. I need to have some friends, friends I can actually be with, instead of just all of this IM'ing/texting.
It sucks, and I'm freaking sick of being lonely.

What I need is to leave this life behind, and start all over with a new one.
The only thing is, I need to figure out if I want to carry pieces from this life with me, or if I should leave everything behind..


I was bored, so I got creative

I had a boring night [read: I should be doing homework, but found a picture of Zac Levi instead], and this is what my boredom ended out with....

You gotta admit....   he is pretty smoking hot


Ignorance is your new best friend

How ignorant can people be?

I don't care - I love Mondays, and the fun will begin so very soooooooon!


Comic Con Designs

How creative I get when the thought goes to the Chuckaholics Going To Comic Con.
Team CIA ftw!!


Zachary Levi

I just had to share this amazing picture, because I can't help looking at him like he's a puppy who needs love in this pic.
Oh yes my dear, Mr. Zachary Levi is one handsome guy - I could get used to hugging that :)

Come on, people - how could anyone ever resist that smile?


I popped my White Collar

So...  there was this competition on Facebook from USA Network.
Last night was the season summer finale on White Collar, so they had a picture-contest out. The contest was to take a picture of yourself in your White Collar outfit prepared for the finale.
And so I did - here's what I ended up with....

I didn't really know which one to go with, but I ended up with uploading the single-picture. Now I just hope that they like my entry, and they feel that I deserve the grand prize.
Which is: a grand White Collar poster with the whole crews signatures (yum for me!), a season 1 DVD box set and a White Collar t-shirt.

Cross your fingers for me, folks :D

And for the Fashion Whores:

Black fedora              - 199 kr. by H&M
White pinstripe shirt   - 300 kr. by Only
Pink and grey tops     -   79 kr. by H&M
handcuffs was a gift from two friends  :)


Bowlers and Fake Mustaches

Hi people out there

I'm bored, so I did what I do for fun:
Wear a fake mustache, a bowler and start blowing bubbles, so I figured I might as well share a picture of myself in mustache and a bowler with you guys, because I have nothing better to do, what so ever :D

And for all of you fashion whores out there:
Bowler is from Wasteland - 250 kr.
Fake mustache from Tiger - 20 kr.
and the Ozzy poster is just old - but I looooooooove it.<3

I think I am gonna finish my homework, and then I will watch an episode of Traveler (yummie, Matt Bomer!) before going to sleep.
See you on the other side, suckers :'D